Software Development
InterLock's staff and consultants have decades of experience in software systems development. We have performed development services from the straightforward modification of a website to full functioned enterprise retail management systems. We use object oriented tools and languages to maximize our productivity and assure we can deploy and integrate into a large number of architectures. We utilize tried and tested methodology to assure we can estimate and manage the entire development lifecycle.
Planning & Analysis
The ultimate deliverable in the planning and analysis phases is an actionable project plan and a constructible design. Depending upon the systems objectives and scope this is a non-trivial exercise whose proper execution can mean the success or failure of a project.
Development Planning & Analysis
Project plans must identify manageable tasks, dependencies, resoures necessary to complete the task, and work effort necessary to finish that task. The design specifications consists of a number documents and diagrams that specify the expected behavior of the system.
System Construction
Our development process levers a mature set of tools and development environment. A Robust and tested development methodology, InterLock's Deliverables Driven Methodology© NGDM. Rigorous unit, development testing, design reviews, and delivery sign-offs.
Programming & Development
Software development can be a complex and difficult process. When faced with this complexity, the principle approach should be to decompose the problem until it becomes a matter of simply building manageable components and assembling them into a complex whole. This is the principle objective of our methodology and the support tools for the methodology.
System Testing and Quality Assurance
InterLock uses a variety of tools and processes to assure delivery of high quality systems meeting user requirements and design specifications. Our test plan includes a comprehensive set of acceptance test which, when completed, thoroughly test all system functions and processes. We have a variety of tools that allow us to unit test, regression test, load test and track bugs throughout our development lifecycle.
Testing & QA
A primary objective of testing application systems is to assure that the system meets the full requirements. At the end of the project development cycle, the user should find that the project has met or exceeded all of their expectations as detailed in the requirements. Any changes, additions, or deletions to the Functional Specification or Design Specification will be documented and tested at the highest level of quality allowed within the remaining time of the project.
Implementation & System Deployment
After the system has been released for distribution from our quality assurance process the implementation and deployment phase begins. During this phase, a great number of events must occur to have as flawless an implementation as possible. We evaluate the components of the hardware and software systems to assure they will coexist and/or support the processes to be implemented. We assure the acceptance, production and training environment are ready. We install and perform our installation verification process.
Deployment Support
Deploying systems can be far more complex than constructing them. Typically, to realize the intended value of a system requires changes to organizational business processes and any many cases, cultural elements. Architectural issues must be analyzed and addressed. How many environment are necessary? How are database servers, application servers to be configured? All these and many more issues should be addressed/
Post Implementation Support
Communicating, understanding and agreeing on what is required and what is provided is a critical component of outstanding post implementation support. InterLock communicates this understanding by a Service Level Agreements. These agreements articulate the services to be provided and how quickly they are to be provided. They assist in establishing performance expectations from not only an application execution time perspective, but how quickly we respond to errors within the application.
Post-Implementation Support
A critical component of on-going support must be a capability to respond to unexpected conditions. We know we deploy robust, tested, certified and properly configured systems. We have provisions for handling known exceptions. We will have supplied appropriate training and documentation to the user community. Yet, no matter how well architected and deployed a system, changes in the environment, business or regulation can require the system be adapted. It will require assistance in analyzing, planning, implementing and communicating the implication of these changes.
Contact Us
For additional information on our complete set of service offerings, please contact us to discuss your challenges and how we might assist you..